We deliver the following services for your company.
Co-ordination of all press issues:
Forward Destinations will handle all incoming press requests in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on your behalf. Forward Destinations develops a basic press kit for your company and will forward it to the interested party.
Press releases:
Forward Destinations will issue press releases about your company and products offered. The press releases will be pro actively send to selected journalists of consumer and trade press. Forward Destinations is an expert in online marketing.
Press releases are written in an online marketing favourable way and do therefore deliver high qualified traffic for your German speaking homepage. Depending on our agreement, Forward Destinations will issue press releases monthly or on a quarterly basis.
Press visits:
Due to the long lasting relationships of Forward Destinations in the German speaking markets we will visit journalists in their Agencies. This dedicated service allows Forward Destinations to pro actively position key messages about your company in the relevant media.
Press Conferences:
Forward Destinations knows how to organize press conferences. Therefore we offer two types of service:
The most advanced and cost effective way to reach journalists. Your company news will be delivered to journalist via an online press conference.
You have a key message to deliver. Choose a traditional press conference to bring that message across. The team of Forward Destinations and his associated partners of PR agencies would be delighted to arrange this on your behalf.